Rehoming A Pet

Rehoming A Pet
Is the hardest thing
Harmony Rescue has some suggestions
This is a very difficult decision for any human to have to make. We realize there are events in everyone’s life which may lead you to consider rehoming your pet. Before you make this decision, educate yourself and find out what options you have. Here is a process you can use before making this difficult decision:
Step 1: Acknowledge why you are considering rehoming your pet. Have you exhausted your resources? For example, people rehome or surrender their pets because they can no longer afford food. There are groups, like ours, who can help with this. Another example, does your pet have a behavioral issue? What have you done to try and resolve the issue?
Step 2: Acknowledge that rehoming takes time and effort on your part as well as the person/s or rescue/s you may be working with.
Step 3: Education – Talk with your local rescue, humane society, animal control for options. Do a Google search on rehoming a pet.
Step 4: If you decide to proceed with rehoming your pet, start with your family, friends, and neighbors you know and feel confident with (they will care for your pet the way you would). Your local vet may know someone; ask if you can post a flyer on their bulletin board. You may also want to try ReHome Your Pets. This site provides additional information and sample adoption applications and contracts.
Step 5: Ask your local rescue if they would do a “courtesy posting”. Most groups will. Most of us have a network of other rescues we work with who may be able to help. It is best to provide your local rescue with the following information:
4 digital pictures (examples: front, side, sitting, playing with kids/cats/other dogs)
Profile (Age, sex, spay/neuter, last vet visit, shot information (especially Rabies), personality, indoor or outdoor animal, etc.). Read some of the profiles on Pet search sites for more examples.
** If your pet is not updated with shots and Spay/neutered, your local group can assist with this. This should all be done before rehoming a pet.
Step 6: When rehoming a pet through Harmony Rescue, we will screen applicants for and with you. The ultimate decision is up to you on the adopter that best fits your animals needs.
Applications are reviewed; approved applicants will be sent to you.
Owner and applicant will coordinate a visit.
Owner makes final decision.
We ask for an adoption fee (no more than $75) only if we funded any medical care. Otherwise, we ask that the applicant donate some amount of money to us or other local rescue.
Step 7: Update everyone you had talked with and those that have taken some action to help you. We all want to hear happy tails and keep up our records.